Our History

Clark Communications (Clark Com) has been in business for over 30 years and specializes in commercial and public safety two-way radio systems. Secondary activities include SMR Rural phone service, paging service, and microwave networks.

Clark Com was incorporated in 1991 with David Clark as president and CEO and Alan Clark as vice president, They purchased the majority stock from the original founders, Glenn and Dolores Clark.

There are three technicians of which two are well equipped and highly experienced in field and remote site technical work. Other full time personnel include two installers, two salesman, and three support people.

In recent years, revenues average approximately $2,000,000 with over 60% derived from two-way radio system sales and service. The sector experiencing the highest growth is Public Safety radio systems and Dispatch Centers.

Clark Com owns and operates a rural mobile phone service comparable to analog cellular service but is four time more powerful. Service is provided to an approximate 100-mile radius utilizing seven mountain top sites. In building this network, Clark Communications developed extensive experience in telco circuits and switches along with microwave systems, and Wireless IP networks.

Clark Com specializes in mountain site radio work and maintains equipment located on over 15 sites. The company operates 28 mountain top repeater stations and six radio paging stations. Its microwave network connects mountain top sites and radio systems for commercial applications.

Skilled technical and engineering base is provided by Alan Clark, with over 35 years of experience, and Jim Wybark with 25 years of experience.

For over 25 years, Clark Com has provided sales and service for Motorola and other radio products as well as Zetron Dispatch Consoles.

Current Public safety accounts serviced by Clark Communications are; Nez Perce County Sheriff, Lewiston Police & Fire, Asotin County Sheriff and Rural Fire, Asotin Police, Garfield County Sheriff and rural Fire, Lewis County Sheriff, Clearwater County Sheriff, Moscow Police and Fire, Clark Communications was contracted to do major infrastructure upgrades to these accounts over the last five years.

Areas of market development include; mobile data and vehicle location applications, Satellite phone communications, and wireless IP networking.